WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS... Posted on 4 Nov 11:21

...Sometimes you have to just pull a face! The latest round of pandemic measures will impact businesses right across the UK. 

For independent businesses like Paper Tiger, the ongoing situation is a challenge and a real risk - me and my whole team are very grateful for the shoppers who visit our stores and shop with us online - you keep us afloat! It means that I have not needed to make any redundancies, and the team can pay their mortgages, rents, and care for our families (and our pets - did I mention my new dog?!). In turn, Paper Tiger supports scores of illustrators,  makers, publishers and producers. Our suppliers are right here on our doorstep, and right across Scotland and the UK, and beyond. We can keep placing our orders with them because you keep placing your trust and your orders with us.

Every penny counts, and as we await the results of the US elections, it's worth saying that every £, $ or € you spend is a vote for how *you* want to live. We would appreciate it if you can spend some of that currency with us!

As this newsletter lands in your inbox, my Edinburgh shops are open, and I am fervently hoping that Scotland will be able to keep non-essential retail open through the next couple of months.

Whatever happens, we will trade online right the way through the next phase of lockdown. 

We are here for you, and we have been here for you for almost forty years. We’re going to keep our website up and running at all times, and we will keep our stores open as long as we can.

At this time, we really need you to be here for us too. There are just fifty days to go to Christmas - please shop with us in store if you are able to visit us safely. If you are reading this from further afield, we have a huge selection of our range online and lots of shipping options for the UK and beyond!