Shops Reopening


From 29th June, we have reopened our Stafford Street shop, and our Lothian Road store will reopen shortly thereafter. Firstly it is important to say that we are incredibly grateful for the support we received during the lockdown, and you can still shop with us online! However we are relieved and delighted to be reopening our shops after such a long time.

Our priority is ensuring the safety of our team and our customers, and we have taken steps to create a secure and welcoming environment in our shops. We are going to be flexible about
how we work and how you shop. As we learn from our experiences, from your feedback and from government advice, there will be changes over time.


In store, you will find
  • Hand Sanitiser and gloves at the door. This is a requirement prior to entry as we are operating a ‘clean hands’ policy in the shops
  • Please Wear A Mask. This is for the benefit of our team as well as you. We are working in the shop all day and appreciate your co-operation
  • Limited Numbers. We are limiting numbers to reflect capacity and social distancing. Please enter alone if possible. We may close the door when we are full and operate a one in/one out policy
  • One Way System. We need your co-operation to make this work for us and for you.
  • Social Distancing Measures - please be aware of your proximity to our team and other customers and be mindful of the comfort zone of other people
  • Cashless Payments. For the foreseeable future we will not be accepting cash payments. Wherever possible we will issue receipts by email. We do not record that data and we do not sign you up to any newsletters (unless you want to)!
  • Queues. We hope we are busy enough! There will be distance markers outside the shop and at the counters
  • Click & Collect - we would encourage you to shop online and use the Click & Collect service at our Stafford Street shop
  • Cleaning - We are cleaning touch points in the store on a regular basis with anti-bacterial products, including card machines, door handles, rails and banisters. Our team have a range of PPE for their own comfort.

We look forward to welcoming you back into our shops. If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback please use the form below.

You will receive an email with your free shipping code
See our privacy policy for how we process your personal data.