Bluefin tuna are endangered and you can help with 4Ocean Posted on 24 Nov 12:04

4Ocean is a Florida based ocean cleaning for-profit company funded solely by the sale of its 4Ocean Bracelet. Every bracelet purchased pulls a pound of plastic waste from our ocean and coastlines and helps raise awareness and support for endangered marine life. This month they focus on the Bluefin tuna and the threat it now faces.

How 4Ocean are helping combat the threats from pollution faced by Flamingos. Posted on 15 Sep 11:36

4Ocean, who are now a Certified B corporation, are here to clean the ocean and coastlines through the sales of their 4Ocean Bracelet. Each bracelet purchased will pull a pound of plastic pollution from the sea while raising awareness to change consumer behaviour to stop the inflow of plastic. This Florida based company releases a limited edition bracelet every month to highlight the plight of a particular animal under threat and this month it is the fabulous Flamingo.

Help protect the Great White Shark with this limited edition 4Ocean bracelet Posted on 9 Jul 08:33

Throughout the worldwide pandemic 4Ocean have continued to strive to clean-up our oceans and coastlines and through the sale of their 4Ocean Bracelet helped protect endangered sea life and marine ecosystems. Now, they have returned with a limited edition Great White Shark bracelet to show support for this vulnerable shark which is due to become listed as endangered due not only to plastic pollution but illegal poaching.

How buying a 4Ocean bracelet can help save the endangered albatross Posted on 14 Apr 17:05

The mission of the Florida based marine environmental company 4Ocean is to end all ocean plastic. Through the sale of the 4Ocean Bracelet they hope to clean up the ocean and coastlines while striving to remove the inflow of plastic by raising awareness and support. With the release of every new limited edition bracelet they hope to help save that endangered species while highlighting the necessary change of lifestyle that will bring this pollution crisis to an end.

Where is the plastic that is filling up our ocean coming from? Posted on 20 Mar 17:51

The Florida based ocean conservation company 4Ocean are attempting to halt the spread of plastic in our ocean and coastlines by pulling a pound of waste for every 4Ocean bracelet purchased. Through a series of initiatives with international conservation bodies this clean-up company is on a mission. But where is this plastic coming from?

Show support for the Artic Beluga whales with a 4Ocean bracelet Posted on 9 Mar 16:01

4Ocean is Florida based company founded in 2017 to sell 4Ocean Bracelet, made from 100$ recycled materials, to remove one pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines for every bracelet sold in order to begin to clean up plastic pollution. They have now removed more than eight million pounds of waste and employ over two hundred people.

4Ocean pull over 8 million pounds of trash from the ocean Posted on 19 Feb 15:59

4Ocean, the Florida-based environmentally and socially responsibly ocean clean-up company have now pulled over 8,000,000 pounds of trash from the ocean and coastlines through sales of their 4Ocean Bracelet. Their professional cleanup crews have removed a pound of ocean plastic and harmful waste for every bracelet bought since 2017.

Help 4Ocean support Galapagos sea lions in their fight against extinction Posted on 7 Feb 10:32

Since 2017, 4Ocean have been pulling pounds of plastic from the ocean and coastlines for every 4ocean bracelet purchased in a concerted effort to stem the tide of plastic pollution in our oceans. Each bracelet is an opportunity to show support and raise awareness for a different environmental cause. This February the limited edition bracelet is for the Galapagos sea lions and hopes to reverse the damage done by the plastic crisis.

Support sea stars and help 4Ocean protect a beautiful piece of the ocean Posted on 13 Jan 14:27

The 4Ocean global movement pulls a pound of plastic waste from the ocean and coastline with the purchase of every 4ocean bracelet. You can not only support this ocean clean-up but let others know every time they see your bracelet. This January there is a new limited edition Sea Star bracelet to protect and illustrate just how long plastic has been a problem for the ocean.

Help 4Ocean protect the Penguins and pull a pound of trash from the ocean Posted on 9 Dec 16:45

Support the movement to clean-up our Oceans by purchasing a 4ocean bracelet and pull a pound of trash from the sea and coastline with every bracelet you buy.

Help save the sea otters with the new limited edition dark teal and black 4Ocean bracelet Posted on 10 Sep 16:24

4Ocean, the Florida based ocean clean-up company on a mission to end the ocean plastic crisis, have just launched a limited edition 4Ocean Bracelet to support the southern sea otter in partnership with Monterey Bay Aquarium. They hope to raise awareness of the threat to their keystone position in a healthy ocean ecosystem and their vital role as indicators in the marine environment.

Help 4Ocean raise awareness of the dangers facing the Everglades Posted on 14 Aug 16:14

Join the movement to clean-up our Oceans by purchasing a 4ocean bracelet and pull a pound of trash from the sea and coastline with every bracelet you buy. The August there is a range of 4Ocean limited edition Everglade bracelets in partnership with Captains For Clean Water that help protect the Everglades and restore this UNESCO World Heritage Site to its raw and natural state.
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